Audrey (Undergraduate Consultant)

Audrey (Undergraduate Consultant)
Discipline: International Affairs and Sociocultural Anthropology
Areas of Interest: History, Languages, Social Sciences, English Literature
“People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.” - Audrey Hepburn
Everyone, and every paper, has potential! Even if there is only one worthwhile thought in the paper, there is something to work with. And what the Writing Center does, really, is help the student, not the paper. So even if you don’t think the paper is worth helping, you, the student, certainly are! My job is to restore, renew, revive, reclaim, and redeem the person who has come to me for help. My philosophy is to throw myself into a session and do my best to make you feel a little bit better about your paper and yourself than when you came in.