Work With Us
The GW Writing Center offers part-time jobs to current undergraduate and graduate students as either front office assistants or consultants.
The center is committed to actively supporting diversity and inclusion in our hiring and environment.
Front Office Assistants
Front office assistants are the first point of contact for our visitors. They welcome incoming clients virtually and in person, direct the flow of traffic, respond to phone inquiries, help clients navigate our scheduling software, respond to emails, and generally provide crucial communication support. The center typically employs about eight front office assistants throughout the year.
Applications for the FOA position are currently closed. If you're interested in working with us as an FOA, please check this page at the beginning of semesters when we post openings.
Writing Consultants
The GW Writing Center seeks enthusiastic, dedicated undergraduate and graduate students who are strong writers for our consultant positions. Consultants should have excellent collaborative interpersonal skills and should authentically enjoy working with other students (and sometimes faculty).
Our consultants come from disciplines across the university; we encourage applicants from a broad range of academic fields and multilingual and multicultural backgrounds.
Undergraduate Consultants
Through honest, peer-to-peer discussion of drafts, consultants show writers how to reflect on their writing choices and develop their own best approaches. In addition to their regular hours working in the center, consultants’ work hours also include staff meetings and professional development workshops.
- Working Hours and Pay
Consulting positions in the Writing Center are Federal Work-Study eligible, but Work-Study status is not required to be a consultant.
Undergraduate consultants can work up to eight hours a week at the center. Current pay for undergraduate consultants is $18.05/hour. Additional funded opportunities exist for presenting at scholarly conferences and developing special projects.
- Training Requirements
Undergraduate consultants are trained through two required courses:
- A three-credit WID course, Pedagogy for Peer Tutors, in which they study writing center theory and scholarship
- A one-credit practicum, in which they observe and then lead sessions with clients at the center
- How to Apply as an Undergraduate Student
- Review our mission and visit the center. Please review the Writing Center mission statement and policies. We encourage you to ask current consultants about their experiences and, if you have never had an appointment, to schedule a session to review one of your current assignments.
- Submit application materials and recommendations. Answer questions and submit all application materials to this application google form as separate PDFs attached to an email, with each file labeled by last name and document type (e.g., Smith_CV.PDF and Smith_WritingSample.PDF).
- Cover letter: Introduce yourself, explain why you would like to be a consultant and why you think you would be a good fit. Should be no more than two single-spaced pages
- CV or résumé
- Academic writing sample: Submit an academic paper you’ve written for one of your classes at GW. Your paper should incorporate research, put forth your own analytical argument and represent your best work. Samples should be between five and seven double-spaced pages.
- Reflection on writing sample: Reflect about the process you used to write the writing sample you submitted. What were the easiest and most challenging parts of the process, and what research and writing strategies did you use? How did writing this paper differ from other academic writing you have completed? Reflections should be no more than two single-spaced pages.
- Ask professors, teachers, mentors, or bosses for two recommendations: Recommenders should submit directly through the online Consultant Recommendation Form, no letter of recommendations are required!
- If you are selected for an interview, you'll be invited to schedule a time to meet with the Writing Center director and current consultants.
- Complete UW 2111W: Pedagogy and Practice for Writing Consultants. Successful applicants will be invited to take UW2111W and its accompanying one-credit lab requirement. This course is taught by one of the Writing Center’s directors. Students who successfully complete the course can then be invited to work in the Center.
- Undergraduate Application Deadlines
The application window for our Spring 2025 Pedagogy course is now closed. We will begin recruiting for Spring 2026 sometime next Fall. Check back to this page for more information. To self nominate/be notified of when our applications open, please fill out this nomination form.
If you have any questions or concerns about the process, feel free to reach out to [email protected]. Thanks!
Graduate Consultants
In addition to the same duties of undergraduate consultants, graduate consultants attend full staff meetings and receive specialized training through required readings and observations in the early weeks of the semester. They attend additional meetings with the directors to discuss pedagogy and practices in the GW Writing Center.
Graduate students may also be eligible for funding to support professional development, scholarly conferences, designing and running workshops and mentoring.
Applications for the Graduate Consultant Position are currently closed. If you're interested in working with us as a graduate consultant, please check this page at the beginning of semesters when we post openings.
- Working Hours and Pay
Graduate students generally work 10–15 hours per week at $18.45/hour.
Note: Tuition remission is not part of any hiring offer.
- How to Apply as a Graduate Student
Interested graduate students should submit a cover letter and resume to [email protected]. Candidates who are invited to interview will also be asked to submit a writing sample. We highly prioritize graduate student applicants with previous experience working in a college/university Writing Center.
- Graduate Application Deadlines
The Writing Center hires graduate consultants for the next academic year on a rolling basis.
We invite interested graduate students to reach out to [email protected] for more info on whether we are currently hiring.