Before Your Appointment

If you have never visited the Writing Center before, please read through the content on this page as well as the center's policies to help you get the most out of your session. Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.


Using Your Penji Account

First, you will need to create an account on our online scheduling website, Penji

  1. Visit the Penji Website
  2. Log in with your SSO Credentials. (Note, if you already have an active GW Penji account you can skip steps 4 and 5!)
  3. Fill out your personal information by clicking on your profile picture in the top right hand corner and then selecting "Edit".
  4. Connect Penji to your personal calendar
    1. Click "Settings" from the options bar on the right side of the screen. 
    2. Select "Calendar Connections" and follow the prompts.
  5. To make an appointment, log in and click the "I am a writer" tab. From there, follow the prompts for what type of appointment you'd like and answer some brief questions about your writing project. You will receive an appointment confirmation email when it's been booked.
    • Note that ALL Zoom appointments need to be 50 minutes long to allow for troubleshooting issues.

WC Online has accessibility option available through Text Only

  1. Visit the WC Online website.
  2. Log in using your GW email address. Your password may differ from your password for email.
  3. Select the current semester from the drop-down menu.
  4. Choose “log in.”
  5. To make an appointment (also see our How to Make an Appointment videos), log in and look for an open 25 minute (one white block) -or- 50 minute appointment (2 consecutive white blocks). Click on the appointment start time and fill out the appointment form. You will receive an appointment confirmation email.
    • Note that ALL Zoom appointments need to be 50 minutes long to allow for troubleshooting issues.

WC Online has accessibility option available through Text Only

  1. On the WC Online login page, select the link “Click here to Reset your Password.” 
  2. Enter your GW email address in the pop-up module. 
  3. A link will be emailed to you that will allow you to reset your password to one of your choosing. Note: If your account has been blocked (i.e., you have accrued three missed appointments in a single semester), you will be unable to reset your password. Contact the Writing Center for help.


Preparing for the Appointment

What to Bring

You should bring any and all relevant materials to your appointment. These can include drafts, professor’s or TA’s comments, the assignment prompt, relevant course readings and research materials. Our consultants cannot read through everything in one sitting, but it is still useful to have these materials to reference when questions about the assignment arise. Please note that we do not accept or review your writing ahead of the appointment.

Steps of the Writing Process

Think through each of these steps before you come in for your appointment. Knowing what stage you are at with your project will help you identify where you need the most support.

Figuring Out the Assignment

Our consultants can assist with clarifying assignments and helping writers find what direction to take their work. Bring any relevant prompts or syllabi from the course to these sessions. Some faculty also find it helpful to get feedback from consultants on how students are likely to read the assignment prompt. 


It is entirely possible to come in for a brainstorming session empty-handed, without any writing in place, with the goal of leaving with solid ideas and a plan of action. Preparation is different at each stage of the process, and coming in early when a project is in the conceptual stage can be the best preparation of all.

Developing an Outline

Writing consultants can help you develop a clear structure and argument for your assignment, whether you have a short essay or a dissertation. Bring any relevant information to these sessions, such as assignment prompts and source material.


It can be helpful to share early drafts of your project with a consultant to see how a fresh reader sees what you have written. For instance, do the words on the page match what you intended them to say? Are there places where your reader needs more information? Is the signposting clear? etc.

Final Revisions

The Center can certainly provide sentence-level grammar support on final drafts, but please keep in mind that we are not a copy-editing/proofreading service. We ask you to engage with us in conversation so that you will learn to identify patterns of error and correct these writing issues on your own. Our consultants are not here to “fix” your paper. They are here to collaborate with you on strengthening your writing on the whole. Our goal is to help our clients build confidence and learn how to self-edit in the future.