Front Desk WebEx Chat
While the Writing Center is in online status due to COVID19, during operating our operating hours we will be providing real time assistance to our clients via our new WebEx Chat room! This program allows you to conect with a Writing Center staff member to answer your questions, assist in bookng appointments and provide IT support for your online appointments via Zoom.
If you have any issues using our chat please send an email to [email protected] and we will assist you as soon as possible! Again, we thank you for your patience as we work through new systems to provide our services online!
Chat Hours (EST)
Fall 2020 chat hours will be posted when available
Joining Chat
1. Click on the Front Desk WebEx Chat link
2. Download the WebEx app -OR- select "Join from your browser" at the bottom of the screen
3. Enter your name and email address when prompted
4. Choose to give WebEx access to your microphone and camera if you would like to use them [Please note that staff will be using a microphone and chat to talk to you]
5. Click "Join Meeting"
6. You will be added to a 'lobby' to wait until the office staff is able to admit you - we thank you for your patience as we assist one client at a time via this chat! Once you have been added to the chat make sure to click on the chat bubble at the bottom of the screen so you are able to see messages from our staff!